The contextual approach (CTL) of modeling means that in learning certain skills or knowledge, there is a model that can be imitated. (Depdiknas 2002: 16)

            Senduk and Nurhadi (2003: 50) argue that modeling or modeling techniques is one of the seven components of contextual learning. That is, in learning certain skills or knowledge, there is a model that can be imitated. Modeling basically forms the thought thought of, demonstrating how teachers want their students to learn and do what teachers want their students to do. Modeling can take the form of demonstrations, giving examples of concepts or learning activities. In other words, the model can be a way of operating something, and so on. That way, the teacher provides a model on how to learn.

            Nuryatin (2010: 34) states that modeling can be interpreted as an effort to provide models (examples) related to material and learning activities carried out by students. Modeling must be carried out in a planned manner in order to contribute to student understanding and involvement in the learning process, so that learning outcomes increase. Modeling is said to be effective if students become more aware of the material being studied, engage more enthusiastically, provide a variety of situations, are more cost and time efficient.

            The selection of the modeling component in learning Indonesian language and literature is an effort to improve short story writing skills and change student behavior in a positive direction. The requirements of a good model, namely relevant to student needs, according to student level, attractive, practical, functional, challenging, and rich in action.

            The existence of a model in learning will help students to think critically. Students will be helped by observing the model provided, so that students better understand the material being taught. Students not only receive information from the teacher, but students can also gather information from the model provided.

            Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the modeling technique is part of a contextual approach. Modeling technique is a knowledge or skill that can be demonstrated or there is a model that can be imitated. The model is not only fixated on the teacher or student, but the model can be seen and heard by someone


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