In the current era of globalization, the tough challenge faced by the Indonesian people is how to prepare quality human resources in sufficient numbers. Only with quality human resources can optimal development be achieved. Education and teachers are like coins which are related to one another. Planning a good future education is to build and improve the quality of teachers.

          Building and improving teacher quality can mean directing teachers to a professional attitude. The work of a teacher is a noble profession, which is noble on the human side and noble with God, because teachers carry out the mandate in accordance with the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, namely "... participating in efforts to educate the nation's life."

          The quality of the education system as a whole is related to the quality of teachers. This is because teachers are the spearhead in efforts to improve the quality of services and educational outcomes, especially in building and improving the quality of human resources through formal education.

          Teacher certification is the process of giving certificates to teachers after taking the exam stages so as to achieve graduation. The aim of this program is simply to increase the professionalism of teachers in educating and be able to give students something of a bully to create quality human resources. Certified teachers must have academic qualifications and a variety of training or develop research research, so that indirectly the knowledge that has been included in their work can be used by a wide audience. Teacher certification is also a form of government attention to the fate of teachers. Teacher certification does not mean giving additional money free of charge, but there are conditions that are stipulated in the regulations. If it does not meet the required criteria, yes, it should not be given.

          The Ministry of Religion has issued KMA Number 73 of 2011 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Payment of Professional Allowances and Professional Allowances for Teachers / Supervisors in the Ministry of Religion as a guideline in granting this certification. The KMA explains, among other things, that the requirements for receiving certification allowances are: to have an Educator Certificate, have a Teacher Registration Number (NRG) from the Ministry of National Education, actively carry out duties as a teacher or supervisor, teach, carry out guidance tasks, or carry out supervision in accordance with the Educator Certificate. has, fulfills the workload as determined by the relevant Directorate General, is at most 60 (sixty) years old, teaches 24 hours of lessons, and is designated as a professional teacher by the relevant Director General or appointed official.

          Subsequently, applications for payment of professional allowances are submitted to the Commitment Making Officer by attaching a copy of the Periodic Salary Increase or other document that legally shows the last salary (for PNS), a copy of the Educator Certificate legalized by the LPTK / PT that issued it (specifically for payments in the first year), original certificate of meeting the Workload (SKBK). Regulation becomes a fixed price to be used as a guideline in granting certification. "So in granting teacher certification it must be based on applicable regulations. Errors in giving certification (not in accordance with regulations) result in state losses, and it is obligatory to return.

          Teacher certification is one of the first steps in creating professional teachers and is a program that can be said to support teacher welfare. Teachers are unsung heroes who must be respected and prosperous, because teachers are not a job but a dedication to improve human resources. It can be said that teacher certification is an appreciation of the efforts of teachers in educating, so it is hoped that this certification will be a stimulus for teachers to become professionals in their fields.


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